About Me

Hi! I’m a first-year Math Ph.D. student at the University of Toronto. My research interests are numerical analysis and mathematical optimization. Meanwhile, I maintain an enthusiastic openness to explore various facets of applied and computational mathematics, such as medical image processing, inverse problems, data science, and deep learning. While I have yet to finalize my choice of advisor, I will make this decision during my first year at the University of Toronto.

Before joining UofT, I spent five enriching undergraduate years at the University of Waterloo, where I studied Applied Math, Combinatorics & Optimization, and Computational Math. I am/was fortunate to be guided by Prof. Stephen Vavasis, Prof. Giang Tran, and Prof. Anderson Ang on continuous (and sparse) optimization for data science, and by Prof. Christopher Batty on fluid simulation. Apart from working with faculty members at UWaterloo, I was honored to be selected as one of the Summer Geometry Initiative (SGI) Fellows, a part of the Class of 2022. Also, I was an undergraduate research assistant at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC).

While not in front of my computer, I enjoy swimming, playing badminton, and I recently picked up figure skating. See you at the Varsity Center!

Contact: xinwen.ding [at] mail.utoronto.ca


  • 2023/03/23: My first ever paper is officially accepted by ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D), 2023.
  • 2023/03/14: Happy Pi Day! I will join UofT as a Math Ph.D. student in this September.